Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Balance Essential Oil

Tonight is one of my favorite oils - Balance Essential Oil Blend $26.67 Retail ($20 Wholesale). It is a blend of Spruce, Frankincense, Blue Tansy Flower and Blue Chamomile Flower. It is a grounding blend for when you feel anxious or disconnected. It is a great way to start your day by rubbing it on the back of your neck or the bottom of your feet. I love to use it at work when I feel overwhelmed or before I am going to give a presentation. It helps me to relax and think clearly. Here are some other uses:

• It is good for diabetes to help balance out nervous system, rub it on the bottom of your feet
• Balance is a great oil blend to use during an AromaTouch Hand Massage.
• Feeling anxious? Apply Balance to your wrists or neck to help with nerves.
• Diffuse in your car during road trips to create a calming, soothing environment.

Ask Dr. Hill- His Favorite Essential Oil